#52saturdaymornings | toronto children photographer

36/52 – The last Saturday of summer vacation. I sat in the reading chair in the landing across from your room listening and watching you play. You unaware, I think, of your audience. In a few short days you will be in grade three. Grade 3. I wonder at how the time has flown. You seem to have grown and matured this summer. Maybe it’s the new, “bigger girl” room which you helped create and make your own this summer. Maybe it’s the new goals and thoughts and aspirations that you’re speaking of lately. Whatever it is, I sat there with a lump in my throat thinking of how fast time is flying by. And then I remembered that amidst all the bigger girl things, the stuffies and lego and balloons are still there. And I realized that you’ll always be my “little girl”, and time is just flowing by as it should.


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