Momazine Fall Issue | toronto children photographer

imageAnother #onefromthecuttingroomfloor from my recent shoot for Momazine’s Fall 2015 issue. The challenge was to show “where your treasure lies”, while also making the images look “fall like” (difficult when we were shooting in the heat of July and August!).  I suspect that I may be the only Canadian photographer contributing and I was really trying to work in subtle nods to Canadiana in my pictures (red maple leafs, Hudson Bay blankets) while I explored the treasures of friendship and kindness. But none of my blanket shots really “worked” for me in the end. This one didn’t make the cut, in favour of another of this big girl reading to the littler one.  But alas, the better image didn’t show those infamous stripes or our 11 pointed leaf.  Sigh.


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