#thisisus_2019 | toronto family photographer

Who made resolutions for 2019?  Over here I am committing to documenting more of our day to day lives, and not worrying about if my house is clean, if my kids’ outfits clash with their surroundings, or if the resulting picture is “pretty” or “likable”.  I’m also trying to get back to pushing myself to get in the frame because really, #Iwastheretoo and one day I want my kids to see that.  A part of documenting it, for me, is blogging about it here.  Last year I all but stopped blogging – about client sessions or our family.  I went through a “is anyone reading this anyway”?  And with all the other moving parts of busy kids, busy jobs, busy side hustles, it was easy to push blogging to the bottom of the list.  But I realized looking back over 2018 and comparing it 2017 or 2016 or 2015 that blogging was something that was missing.  Something that wasn’t just “different” but “missing.”  So I’m trying to get back into it.  I have some great photography friends who are helping me stay true to that and who are inspiring me with their own documentation of their day to day with “bigger kids”.  At the end of this post, click on the link to check out one of them.  Maybe between us we will inspire you to make sure your own lives are documented this year.

In the meantime, here’s what happened when I pick up my camera last Saturday and committed to using it.  I documented my son’s hockey team winning and one of my favourite rink rats watching.  I even managed to #getintheframe in one of them.  Because #iwastheretoo.


Now click here to see how this fellow busy mom and Dallas Childrens Photographer is documenting her family this year.  Kristina’s images speak to me as a mom of “older” kids.  I bet they might speak to you too!



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