#52saturdaymornings | toronto children and family photographer


8/52 – Another early Saturday morning brings another sports game.  My oldest plays rep soccer year round with a local club and we were up early this morning to head out of town for an “away” game.  I love watching him play soccer.  They don’t call it the “beautiful game” for nothing, and there is something about the way my kid soars while on the field that is just awesome for this mama to watch.  But I wasn’t thinking about that when I snapped this shot.  Instead, I was watching his ritual of getting ready, and his concentration, knowing that he was starting to get his game head on.  And I was thinking that he is getting big and that he is outgrowing the sweet “little boy” mirror that was lovingly made and gifted to him when he was much too small to watch the beautiful game, must less play it.  Sigh.

Update: They won.  4-0.  1 goal and 3 assists makes for a decent game 🙂



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